Secrets of His Presence

Secrets Of His Presence

Don’t just know Him; Recognize Him.

Grace Today Magazine – House of Grace Church (December 2011)


"My sheep know me and recognize my voice;" John 10:3


We are living in a generation that is really progressed and on the move. The times in which many of us were born and brought up are totally different from the world that we live. The things that you knew or you came to know when you were much older are what a 7 year old kid knows today. It’s not that you and I were ignorant but it is simply because we are in a changing world and environment that is changing each and every day. You will realize that the kids of this day and time are familiar with almost everything around them. I was surprised the other day when my kid sister took my phone and he navigated through and she sent my boss an email. It dawned on me that the world and the generation that we are in have really advanced. I have realized that the more our children are exposed to many things, the more they get familiar with them and get acquainted to them and well versed in and with them.


Peter and his brethren the disciples had been with Jesus for three years and it reached a point when Jesus had to fulfill His purpose for coming on earth ~ dying on the cross for our sins. It is expected that the disciples having been the closest people with Jesus knew Him well and could recognize Him well. The bible records three instances where the disciples couldn’t recognize Jesus.


In Matthew 14:22-27, the bible records that after doing the days ministry, Jesus sent the disciples ahead of him and He retreated to the mountain to pray. Later on, we see him linking up with then in the sea when He came walking on water. The bible records that when they saw Jesus, they thought it was a ghost and they were scared. Later on, when they realize who He was, Peter asked Him to bid him to go to Him. In John 21:4-7, we see Peter and others decide to go back fishing and the whole night they do not manage to get any fish till the morning. The bible records that Jesus called out and asked them if they had caught anything for breakfast and they said no. Jesus instructs them to launch out their nets into the deep and they had a tremendous catch and that’s when Peter realized who Jesus was. Mark you; he was naked all this time. Luke 24:13-16; 30-32, we see the disciples on their way to Emmaus. They are discussing the death and resurrection of Jesus when He joins them and walks with them for a while and distance but until Jesus disappears from their midst.


What do I see from these three instances? It is very clear that the disciples having spent three and half years with Him, they still hadn’t known him well to recognize Him. Three years is a long time to spend with someone and fail to recognize them or distinguish them amidst people. This will mean that you haven’t been serious to learn them as you spent time with them. We need to be pro-active and know well who we are and the people as well as things that matter to us most.


Jesus sat with his disciples and asked them a simple question in Matthew 16:13:17: "who do people say I am?… They gave their answers of who people say HE is but then He got deeper and asked them whom "they" said He was. Peter answered Him and said that He was Christ the son of God. Peter had a revelation of who Jesus was but still he was the first one to give up and go back fishing and went back with a few others.


There is one problem that I see amongst the disciples. They became too familiar with Jesus until they thought he was just the man next door. We are getting into a Christmas season and everyone will be on a frenzy mode celebrating the new born baby per say but I want to submit to you that He is not a baby; He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. It is not just enough to profess Him as the Saviour of your life, the question is; how well do you know him? Can you recognize him? Jesus said in John 10:3 that "My sheep know me and recognize my voice;" that’s the prayer and desire of every shepherd. It is not just enough to be part of the flock but it is more important to have a revelation of who He is.


My prayer for you even as you read this article is that this Christmas, you will not just have the revelation of who Jesus is – not just a baby born in a manger. Go beyond just knowing him but recognize him… Know him as your shepherd and recognize His voice.




PS! This is an article I contributed to the Grace Today Magazine of House of Grace Church (

Visit the church and get your free copy of the December 2011 Magazine.

January 2nd, 2012 - Posted by | Grace Today Posts - House of Grace |

1 Comment »

  1. Praise Jesus bro Dennis I am so blessed by this devotion even though you wrote before Christmas; It has come to me after.. that is New Year.
    John 10:3 is my promise verse this year; I am so blessed because I now know that I’m in the Spirit.
    This is a confirmation that the Lord wants me to know Him, recognize Him and also know His voice…
    Remember me in your prayers as I seek to know him more….
    Glory be to God.

    Comment by Fred Ngari | January 3rd, 2012 | Reply

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